The site is accessed from Main Street. It is almost opposite Marsh Lane, and is behind the Gilbert’s Field housing development.
As part of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL), the land to the rear of Gilbert's Field was transferred to the Parish Council for community use. After consultation it was decided to use the land for allotments.
In 2021 the site was developed into 20 allotments, with some larger plots shared by two people.
When the second year started in 2022, there was a thriving community growing on the site, with all plots occupied.
In 2022/3, a community hub element will be developed and a large wooden shed has been purchased to form the community hub. This will provide a place for allotment holders to meet and it is hoped that it will eventually provide educational facilities for school children and others.
In 2021 the Parish Council obtained funds from the Veolia Environmental Trust which awards grants for improvements to community facilities and the natural environment. The funding was used to obtain a cordless drill and safety goggles. Workshops on building composters and composting best practices have been operated by Simon Hill. The PC would like to thank Simon for his guidance in this area.